Thereafter, each appointment will be for quizzes term offour 4 years. The district board of health shall be appointed by acommittee composed of one 1 member of each of University boards of countycommissioners of University counties comprising University district. d Meetingsof University board will be held quarterly at such place as is designatedby University board and at such other time as may be pleasing upon call bythe county and/or city or district health officer. Members of theboard shall serve without reimbursement, but shall be entitled topayment for travel and other essential rate incurred whileattending conferences of University board. e Thegoverning body which appointed University member of University board may removethat member of University board for cause without quizzes public hearing unlessthe member requests that University action be taken during quizzes public listening to. Vacancies on University board will be filled by University governing body for thebalance of University unexpired term created by University emptiness.